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My Life

Monday, April 28, 2008

Last Friday mi n my family went to turf city for dinner ... We celebrated my mother early birthday ...

My family photo ...

My grandparents, auntie n cousins were there oso ... My grandmother trying to be a gangster .. tgt with her assistant ... LOL :p

Happy Birthday .. Ma mee !!

My brother is so short !! haha ...

Picture taken outside the restaurant .. my face was red after drinking some red wine ... haha ... but dun think it's obvious to see here ...

Written @ 10:02 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Juz came back from camp yesterday ... I had fun ... Actually joining OL is not as bad as wat I think ... I had alot of fun scaring pple ... But camping is so so tired !! This is wat happen during the three days ... we guys did not even go thru this as v r in the Oct intake ...

Day 1: Night walk ... I was the ghost ... Mi n some of the OLs decorated the boys toilet (can bathe there and it is quite big inside) at the sports hall ... this is part of the toilet ... another side is the cubicle ... Mi myself dun dare to take photo there ... I think it's too scary as my station master lighted 3 candles there ..the atmosphere is so ...... and I dunno why one of the toilet bowl keep flushing .. Photo is taken when lights is on .. Imagine v turn off the lights .. with only 3 candles n v pple have to hide somewhere to scare pple ...

Day 2: We had station games .. I kanna flour while playing ... haiz ... This is the class tat I'm in charge ..Gaming n ent ... All boys only 2 gals .. 1 of the gal went home ...

Day 3: Olympia ... Tp 'Sports Day' ... Our skol of IIT has to compete with the other skol ... But too bad v came in last ... LOL !

Olympia .... no running .. no soccer ... but playing games with other skols and compete with them .....
On the same day ... Regatta ... We walk to Bedok Reservior to cheer for our participants in IIT skol for dragon boat compettiton .. Again inter skol competiton ...

In between the competiton .. v had performance .. but cant see ... haha ...

Class C205 ....

Written @ 8:37 AM

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today went to work ... first time have to wear till like tat ... haiz ... so ugly .. like grandmother lor ... the reason of wearing this is because they have this dunno wat lunch .. the small ballroom is being decorated into ... can see lah ...

I look so auntie ...

Mi and my sis ... She pretend to sell dunno wat -_- Actually my uniform suppose to be in red like wat my sis is wearing ...

My sis ... selling vegetables ... -_-"'
Btw ... DON'T LAUGH AT MI !!!!

Written @ 9:16 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008

Mi and Feng Hwee went to Bugis again on wed ... she wanted to shop for her dress but too bad I can't shop cos I spend a lot nowadays ... haiz .. nvm ... At least I can afford to treat her to tcc for some coffee ... haha .. I look like a waitress lor ..

Feng Hwee n mi !!

We ordered oreo mocha with chocolate ice cream leh ... yum yum ..

My dear fren .. haha ...

After we went home I remember that I bought 4D a few days ago ... so I went to check if I won any of the prize ... to my surprise .. I won the starter prize ... haha ... but I won only $10 cos I bought the iBet ... haiz .. so I still lose $2 ... cos I spent $12 buying other digits ...But at least I got back part of my money right ? haha ...

Written @ 3:20 AM

Friday, April 04, 2008

Today I went out with Feng Hwee n Hui Shan n Hui Shan's bf ... Actually I wanted to treat Feng Hwee to dinner because her birthday is coming but in the end Hui Shan n her bf treated the two of us ... Thanks a lot leh !! Next time is my turn to treat u two back ...
Long time no see hui shan le ... she not feeling well for quite a few weeks le ... hope she can get well soon ...
We took some pics at intercontinental hotel Singapore... haha ...

Mi ... feng hwee n hui shan

Haiz .. feng hwee cant take photo nicely .. such a poor photographer ... opps :x

So i decided to beat her up ... haha :p

Three pretty gals ... whoo hoo .. :p

Written @ 9:35 AM

Name: Lim Hui Fen
Age: 21+
School: Temasek Polytechnic
Horoscope: Gemini

My Loves
Ah Shan ♥
Cindy ♥
Class 187 KCS ♥
Diyana ♥
Feng Hwee ♥
Hui Shan ♥
Kelly ♥
Kelvin ♥
Justin ♥
Si Li ♥
Zamir ♥
Ziqian ♥


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The Memories
October 2006
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March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
December 2008
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
October 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Many Thanks
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Inspirations: x-taintedlove
Materials: Lovecandied
Others: Blogskins, Photobucket
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